HHH 2010 © Privacy Policy | Terms of Use

Why Join?

Official vs General Member

By signing up for the newsletter you are automatically enrolled for free as a General Member.

General Member (Free)

Official Member (as low as $5 a month)

All of the benefits of a General Member PLUS:



All vendors & special savings are subject to change throughout the course of the membership.  It will be our goal to maintain and continue to grow this program.  As a member, the OFFICIAL HHH Membership card is valid for the duration of the vitality of the HHH Helpful Hints website.  Should the website no longer be viable, the membership card’s value will no longer be applicable and all previous membership fees provided for this purpose are nonrefundable. Each card is personalized for use by only one adult & child(ren) per family.

All Membership Fees are non-refundable upon the initial membership date and/or activation of the card.
Information and Activities provided by Hilarie's Helpful Hints are for the purpose and use of this website and for the participation of its official and general members. Any use of the information outside of this purpose or for another's personal or group's gain is strictly prohibited and qualifies as an abuse of membership, official or general, and are grounds for immediate action, determinable by the website and its owners.

Official Member: Playmate Platinum (as low as $7.50 a month)

All of the benefits of a General Member PLUS; AND

All of the benefits of a Official Member PLUS: